Saturday, March 31, 2012

Results: Roll in a day / A day in a roll - March 24th 2012

The film that I shot last Saturday came back from the lab yesterday.

contact sheet

You can see the whole roll on my flickr set here. My favorite shots are these two:

double selfie (02/12)
(Rolleiflex Old Standard 621, Kodak Portra 400, ISO 400/27º)

heaven (12/12)
(Rolleiflex Old Standard 621, Kodak Portra 400, ISO 400/27º)

I really enjoyed doing this, it was fun. Next time I guess I'll be using a 24 or 36 exposure roll, since 12 was much too few! :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Series - trains

traveling shadow
(Vito I, Rollei Digibase CR 200 Pro, ISO 200/24º)

newspaper break
(Super Ikonta A 531, Kodak Portra 400, ISO 400/27º)

(Vito I, Kentmere 400, ISO 400/27º)

(Flexaret VI, Rollei Digibase CN 200, ISO 200/24º)

estació de frança (+1)
(Vito I, Kentmere 400, ISO 400/27º)

db [stranger 18/99]
(Flexaret VI, Rollei Digibase CN 200, ISO 200/24º)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

db [stranger 18/99]

db [stranger 18/99]
(Flexaret VI, Rollei Digibase CN 200, ISO 200/24°)

My eighteenth stranger was reading the newspaper on his way to Munich.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Roll in a day / A day in a roll - March 24th 2012

Roll in a day 20120324
(EOS 40D, Canon EF 24mm f/2.8, 1s, f/5.6, ISO 400)

Yesterday I learned of Roll in a day / A day in a roll, a recently created spin-off of flickr group I Shoot Film, where a bunch of film photography enthusiasts are going to shoot a full roll of film in one day, and publish all pictures afterwards (the good ones and the duds).

Today, March 24th 2012, is the first day. I'm going to participate with my Rolleiflex Old Standard and a roll of Kodak Portra 400. Any film people who care to join are very welcome.

Let the fun begin! :)